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Unconventional Baby Shower Ideas

Unconventional Baby Shower Ideas

Not feeling crazy about the conventional baby shower ideas? Here are some thoughts to get your ideas going.

  • Co-Ed baby showers - a baby shower doesn’t have to be all girls! Let your other half and male friends join the party. Make it a celebration for both genders.
  • Create something together - prepare some crafting kits for guests to make at the shower that can be used to decorate your nursery. It’s not just fun but also meaningful. Imagine telling your kid “Aunt Amy made this for you at your baby shower!”. How cool is that? :-)
  • Fill the pantry and freezer - instead of having a baby shower, invite some friends over and spend the day cooking/baking! Make meals that freeze well and divide them into meal-size portions before you freeze them. Once your baby is here, you will have meals in the freezer - and you will recall all the fun you had while enjoying your meal!
  • Do a sleepover with your bffs - invite your bffs to have a sleepover. Whether it’s at your house or a nice hotel. Have some pregnancy “mocktails” (alcohol-free), eat, and gossip all night!
  • Not feeling social? - block out a day on the calendar and make it all about you and your significant other (or even just yourself!). Get pampered with a spa, a movie, and a nice meal.

Bottomline: it’s YOUR baby shower. Do things that make you happy. Don’t get stressed because you are doing it differently.  

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