Gift Ideas For Your Baby Shower Hostesses

It takes a lot of time, effort and even money to host a baby shower. As a token of appreciation, it’s nice to prepare a gift (or gifts) for each of your hostesses. Here are some ideas:
- Bath bombs – bath bombs are getting popular nowadays and everyone can sure use a relaxing bath with those nice-smelling bath bombs.
- A spa gift card – whether it’s for a massage or getting nails done, it’s always nice to get pampered.
- A gift card for the movies – make sure it’s big enough so that she can order some popcorn, drinks, or food to enjoy during the movie.
- Jewelry – if she wears jewelry, consider getting her something that she may like, or even have it personalized.
- Bake something for them – if you’re on a limited budget, you can always bake some cookies, cupcakes, or brownies for them!
They’ve put effort into your shower to make it special for you. It’s nice to spend some time to figure out what they would enjoy to return the favor. 😊